Software development is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful planning and clear organisation. Before starting active development, it is necessary to clearly define the requirements of the future product, the expected results and the main business objective of the entire project.
IT Solution Architecture is the process of planning, designing and building a software product that meets business needs and user expectations, taking into account risks and budget. This process involves several steps that need to be considered in order to develop an effective and reliable product. Let's take a closer look at each stage using the example of BIZupLab Kft.'s work with customers.
It all starts with planning
At the beginning of a project, it is necessary to estimate its approximate scope and cost. Attribute-Driven Design (ADD), one of BIZupLab's proven methodologies, allows us to create a fairly accurate architecture of the future software. Based on the quality attributes of a particular IT product at the evaluation (presale) stage, we formulate the architectural concept of the system.
The solution architecture covers all aspects of the project, including system infrastructure, network, security, compliance requirements, system operation, cost and reliability.
Business requirements and objectives
Without a clear understanding of why and for whom the product is being built, development is meaningless. The customer and the implementer learn to 'speak the same language' to address all key requirements and expectations. The first phase is the most important. The customer discovers the implementation company and the IT company evaluates the customer. The business requirements are used to determine what functionality should be included in the product.
Architectural Styles and Patterns
Architectural styles (client-server, microservices, peer-to-peer architecture) and patterns (MVC, MVVM) define the overall look and feel of a product. They help create a system that is easy to maintain and scale.
Technology Stack
Choosing the right tools and technologies ensures efficient development. This step involves selecting the technologies, programming languages, frameworks and tools to be used in the development.
System Requirements
System requirements define the environment in which the software solution will operate. They include the hardware, software and network components required for the product to function properly. Requirements may specify operating system versions, supported browsers, memory, processor and network connectivity requirements. This step identifies architectural constraints, which may be due to budget, lead time or other factors.