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Website development is becoming more and more in demand every year. Companies, brands and individuals are realising the need to have an online presence. Before you start developing a website, you need to decide which programming language to use. There are a large number of languages, each with its own characteristics and advantages.

Frontend development
  1. HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This is a markup language used to create the structure of web pages. It is also used to create the structure of a website and to define the relationships between different elements. It is almost impossible to create interactive elements with HTML, so additional languages (such as JavaScript and CSS) are required for full development.
  2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). If HTML is used to create the basic structure of the site, CSS is responsible for its appearance. CSS is used to specify styles, colours, fonts, backgrounds, the position of various blocks on the page and other design elements.
  3. JavaScript. This is the third main language of front-end development. JavaScript allows you to make a web page interactive. The role of this language is to respond to user actions: clicks, keystrokes, cursor movements. It is also responsible for sending requests to the server and loading data without reloading the web page.

Which programming language to choose for website development

Backend development
  1. Java. This is the most popular language among backend developers and has been around for over 20 years. During this time it has become a recognised standard for web development worldwide. Java is one of the leading server-side languages. It has been used to develop technology giants such as Google and YouTube.
  2. Python is one of the easiest web development languages. At the same time, it is versatile, flexible and powerful.
  3. C++ is characterised by its power and extensive libraries. Its main feature is very high performance. It is ideal for creating platforms with a large number of templates, where high speed is required.
  4. C# is close to C++ and Java in its characteristics. It is a great option for web development as it was originally created for this purpose. C# can be used to develop large, yet flexible and scalable applications and platforms.
  5. PHP is a server-side programming language that is widely used for creating dynamic websites and web applications. It is characterised by its widespread popularity, the availability of many ready-made solutions and the ability to integrate with a wide range of databases.
Simple tips for choosing a language to build a website in
If you have a small website, for example to simply represent your company on the internet, it is easiest not to develop it in a programming language and use a CMS. Wordpress, for example, is the most popular platform at the moment. Of course, Wordpress does require some knowledge on the part of the developer using it. At the very least, you need to understand JavaScript to make the site look "alive": in 2024, it is hard to imagine a web resource where the menu does not open and the icons do not move. You should also have at least a basic knowledge of PHP. Wordpress itself is written in this programming language. If you need to make any changes, you cannot do without PHP. Such a set will be enough to create a business card site, a lending site or a small online shop.

Suppose you need a more complex site: for a pharmacy where you can order medicines, or for a sports club where you can sign up for training and choose a specific trainer. In such cases, you should use PHP with its Laravel framework or Python with its Django framework. PHP is a more specialised language for web applications. Python is a more general language. You can also use NodeJS, but it can be very complicated for beginners.

For large projects with a branched structure and a large number of different functions, Java and C# are most commonly used. For example, web applications for banks and telecom companies are created in Java, while large consulting companies use C#.

It should be noted that even among the most popular programming languages there is no universal one that is suitable for every project. The choice of programming language is mainly influenced by the client's goals and the tasks that are set for the future web development product.
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